Welcome To United mission for child rights

United mission for child rights

United mission for child rights

United mission for child rights (UMFCR) is a refugee led organization voluntary association of individuals, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO). it has been registered in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Uganda to operate. The organization defend on members contribution to carry out its activities to the communities of refugee and host. United mission for child rights was founded on 15/July/2020 by group of humanitarians individuals or workers both refugees, and nationals who contributed their ideas to improve the life of children in the refugees and host communities in Imvepi refuges settlement Terego district northern Uganda. The mission started in Imvepi refugee settlement Terego District northern Uganda in particular with a purpose of promoting, advocating the status of life of the children in refugees and host communities, for equal rights and respect for children rights in the communities. The founder members realized a need to collect the, children and vulnerable persons towards a common goal of improving their way of life in line with protection, education, health, and agriculture. There comes into existence an organization united mission for child rights to provide a solution to the marginalized national and refugees children.

Our Services

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gender based violence

gender based violence

Gender based violence against women is commonly practice with the south Sudan Refugee. Women are touched, insult, abused and denied they Rights, we empower women in leader, live skills, child protection and also conduct community awareness and sensitization to inform the community to stop gender based violence against women and girls. We engaging women and girls in leadership training. Involved them in decision making and family planning.

peaceful coexistence

peaceful coexistence

For more than 68 years south Sudan has been in conflicts, war and disaster, this is due to lack of peaceful coexistence among them self. Our peace education program is to strengthen the capacity of the south Sudanese refugees in imvepi refugee settlement Uganda by training them in peaceful coexistence among the Refugees and the host community. We believe that peace is the best way of development.

women empowerment

women empowerment

We empower women to protect, Care support children in there family, community and Nation. 

financial literature

financial literature

Training farmers and women in financial literature and supporting them with VSLA kids for saving


media image peace education

peace education

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psychosocial support activities

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